Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 Update


Update 1st May 2022

Centre Update

Masks are not required, QR code check in is no longer required.

Timetables have changed please check Term Timetable which applies until Sunday 10th July 2022.

Update 16th March 2022

Centre Update

All density restrictions have been lifted.  Masks are still mandatory on entry.  QR code/signing in is still mandatory until further notice.


Swim School Update

Swimming Lessons will resume in Term 2 2022.  Beginning Monday 2nd May 2022.


Do I have to rebook my children into lessons?  If you were booked into lessons during Term 4 2021 then your child would have been booked into Term 2 2022.  If you cancelled your booking at the end of Term 4 2021 or during Term 1 2022 then you will need to contact the centre to rebook your child into Term 2 2022.

Do I need to let you know if my child is not returning in Term 2 2022?  YES PLEASE, this will allow us to know what vacancies we may have available for other students.

What are the prices for Term 2 2022?  Monday will be 9 Lessons upfront is $171.00, Tuesday - Sunday will be 10 Lessons upfront $190.00.  Discount period ends Sunday 15th May 2022.  Standard rate applies from 16th May 2022 onwards.  Standard rate for 9 lessons $201.60, 10 lessons $224.00, minimum $25.00 payment per child per week.  Any credits from previous terms will be applied to current term fees.  Please email if you are unsure if you have credits.

How many spectators are allowed into centre while students are in lessons?  The density restrictions have been removed, however we do ask that you try to socially distance while in the centre.

I have make up lessons to organise, when can I do those?  We will be organising make up lessons from week 2 of term 2.  This is to allow students and instructors to settle into their lessons after such a long break. 

Can I change days/times or book another child into lessons?  Yes, if there is availability on the days/times that you wish to move to.  Yes we can book siblings in, as long as there are vacancies in the days/times that you require.

Are you taking new bookings?  Yes we will endeavour to take new bookings from Friday 1st April 2022, however there may be only limited vacancies, please contact the centre via email or Facebook.

Are you having a waiting list?  No unfortunately we will not be having any waiting lists on lessons.

Will we have the same instructor as last year? Instructor’s availabilities may have changed so there is no guarantee that your child will have the same instructor. Where possible we endeavour to have the same instructor.

Any further questions please email the centre

Update 15 Feb 2022


TERM 1 2022 REMAINS CANCELLED - due to close contact concerns and a shortage of staff due to other Term 1 committments.

Please still follow us on Facebook, download our Paragon Swim app or regularly check our website for updates and information as we will post to these platforms only.

This has been a very difficult and heart wrenching decision with so many scenarios playing on our minds, but we feel that it is in the best interests of both students and staff that we hold out a little longer to be on the safe side.

We are also are unable to take on any new bookings at this stage.

If you have any questions please either use facebook messenger or email us at


Update 11 Feb 2022

Restrictions have eased back to the 1/4sqm which allows 36 in pool and 20 on deck. 

HYDROCISE (AQUA AEROBICS) AND SENIOR AQUA ONLY- Due to restrictions easing class sizes have increased for Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am aqua. Monday and Wednesday 7.30pm aqua, Tuesday and Thursday 1.30pm Senior Aqua will be starting again from Monday 14th Feb 2022. Patrons who were previously a permanent booking will automatically have their place again in the class.  Most patrons have been notified via a text message or phone call.  If you have not received any contact at all please call the centre on 83966978.

Swimming Lessons - Not yet returning, Management are in the process of working out our return to swimming lessons strategy and will post as soon as we have worked out dates, costs etc.

Update - 17 Jan 2022

During these uncertain times and the current capacity restrictions, which we feel will be unlikely to change anytime soon, we have decided to cancel Term 1 2022 swimming lessons, until restrictions change back to 1/4sqm.

The centre will be operating on a very scaled back pool availability timetable.

Swim School Families

  1. Term 2,3 & 4 2021 make up lessons will still be honoured once we resume lessons.
  2. Fees already paid will be credited towards the following term
  3. Bookings will remain the same unless you have notified us of any changes
  4. If you cancel out of the term your place in lessons once we resume will not be guaranteed.

If you have any questions please either use facebook messenger or email us at .

Covid-19 Update - 31 Dec 2021

Due to SA Govt recent update to restrictions we have had to implement some changes to our activities and timetables. These take effect immediately and are subject to change at any time.

The swim centre will reopen on Tuesday 4th January 2022.  Our pool capacity has reduced to 20 in pool and 12 on deck.

1. Monday 9am, Wednesday 9am and Friday 9am Hydrocise (Aqua Aerobics) will continue to run, however it will be for Members Only.  Please note block pass holders ARE NOT MEMBERS.  There will be no places available for casual visits.

2. Monday 7.30pm and Wednesday 7.30pm Hydrocise (Aqua Aerobics) are cancelled until restrictions change.

3. Senior Aqua classes on Tuesday and Thursday at 1.30pm are cancelled until restrictions change.

4. Holiday Lessons and Make Up Sessions - BOOKINGS ARE NOW CLOSED.  Lessons will be taking place from Monday 10th Jan - Sunday 23rd Jan 2022.  Seating capacity has reduced to only 12, so please only bring 1 person per family.

5. Altered timetables will be in use see website for details

Covid-19 Update

Monday 20th December 2021.

Swimming Lessons

We are still under tight restrictions and places are extremely limited for booking in new students.

The restrictions and information are the same as previously stated on the 8th November 2021.

Covid-19 Update

Monday 8th November 2021.

We are currently still under tight government restrictions which only allow 36 in the pool and 20 on deck.

Patrons please be aware that minimum spectators are allowed.  If capacity is reached on deck you may be refused access to the pool.

If the entry door is closed it indicates that capacity has been reached. 

Swimming Lessons

Parents where possible try to leave older siblings at home or outside pool area. We request that other family members do not attend lessons.   Thank you.

Please endeavour to leave the pool area quickly to allow a safe transition to the next time slot of students.

Update - Wednesday 4th August 2021 10.30am

Reopening Thursday 5th August 2021, as yet we have not received our Covid Safe Plan, this means we do not know what is happening in regards to the change rooms.  We assume that the facility capacity will be down to 1/4sqm. This means we can only have 56 total in the facility.  Out of the pool and on deck is 20 and in the pool is 36.  We need to strictly adhere to this capacity limit. 

Facemasks are mandatory for entering the facility, and for spectators on deck (Exemptions apply: for more information visit:

Covid Update - Wednesday 28th July 2021

We have finally received our Covid safe plan and as we are classified as Indoor physical recreation and fitness we are limited to the 1/8sqm ratio. Unfortunately this means that we cannot run the majority of our classes both aqua or learn to swim as we go over our limit in the pool. Therefore we have to wait until they reduce our restriction down to the 1/4sqm ratio. These restrictions from what we’ve gathered from the press conference are to remain in place for 7 days. Hopefully with no further outbreaks they will reduce them and we will once again be able to be open. It doesn’t look like we will be open on Monday but fingers crossed that it happens soon. Thank you all for your support during these trying times and look forward to seeing you back in the pool soon. Tracy & Bec  (28/7/2021)

Covid Update
As of writing this we have not received our directions from SA Govt.
We have however decided to not reopen until Monday 2nd August. We are situated in the epicentre of this latest outbreak of Covid and both our staff and patrons may be affected by quarantine directions so we have made the decision to remain closed. This was a difficult decision to come to and was not made lightly, but we felt it was the safest option going forward.
Once we have our direction from the government then we can give further information on how many people we can have in the centre, in swimming lessons and in our aqua classes.
We hope to see you all soon. Keep safe and well. Tracy and Bec. (27/7/21)

As of midnight Monday 19th July 2021 the swim centre will be closed until the South Australia government changes the restrictions it has currently put in place.  Please download our app or follow us on Facebook for future updates.  (19th July 2021).

In the event of a South Australian State Lockdown, notifications will be posted onto the Paragon Swim Centre Facebook page, and sent out via the Paragon Swim Centre App.

Please make sure to download the App which is available from the App Store, or Google Play, or follow us on Facebook.  (3rd June 2021)

Upon arrival everyone will need to check in using the covid safe QR code, if you do not have a smart phone you will need to sign in.
You will not be allowed into the centre prior to your swimming lesson.
Only 1 spectator per family will be allowed in the centre.
Our public swimming timetable has changed please check our website for the updated version before coming in to the centre. 3/1/2021

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