Terms & Conditions

Swim Lessons - ​Terms & Conditions

Enrolment Form

Enrolment Forms
All Students must have a completed and signed enrolment form or submitted an enrolment form online to participate in swimming lessons at the Paragon Swim Centre. If any changes occur then a new form will need to be completed.  Please Note: One Form Per Student.


In submitting an Enrolment Form, you are accepting the following terms and conditions.

Unsigned Enrolment Forms (paper copy) will not be accepted.

Registrations and Registration Fees           

Registrations (Bookings) can be made at any time of the term. When registering a student into a lesson a $25.00 Registration Fee is due. The Student is then secured into the same day, time and level each week for the term and for every consecutive term thereafter. It will stay on the students file as they progress through their swimming education. The Registration Fee will stay on file until they leave* lessons. The Registration Fee is Fully Refundable.**   

*Registration fees will be void and lessons will be cancelled if the student has not attended for two consecutive weeks without communication to the centre. Upon returning to the centre a new Registration Fee will be charged.   

**To obtain a refund a written/email request must be given to the centre prior to the end of the current term, stating that the student will not be returning in the following term, the fee will need to be paid again if the student returns to lessons. Refunds will be processed at the end of the current term.   

The Registration Fee is separate from Swimming Lesson Term Fees and will not be deducted from them.  There are no Family Discounts on registration fees.

To hold over a Registration Fee to a future term a written/email request must be given to the centre prior to the end of the current term. Registration Fees will be held for 12 months but not the place in the class. The student will need to rebook into lessons when they decide to return. If no notification is received at the end of 12 months the Registration Fee will be void and a new registration fee will be required to be paid if the student returns to lessons.


All Lessons Must Be Paid For! Swimming lessons run during public school terms usually in ten week blocks. Lessons are not booked on a casual basis. If paying by instalments then all lessons must be paid before the end of the current term whether or not the Student attends all lessons. If a student enrols into lessons during the term the fees will be adjusted accordingly.   

Up Front - Discount Payments           

To claim the discounted price the lessons must be paid in full by the second week of the current term - NO EXCEPTIONS (if student is absent at the beginning of term, to gain discount, payment needs to be paid by second week). Failure to pay in full by the second week will resort in the lessons being charged at the standard (higher) rate.  All Online Payments Must Be Processed Before The Discount Expiry Date!

Instalment Standard Rate Payments 

Payments must be paid weekly, if a student is absent from a lesson, that lesson will be required to be paid for the next time the student attends lessons. Exceptions to this is if an alternative payment plan has been agreed to with management.   

Online Payments             

Payments can be made into the Paragon Swim Centre Pty Ltd bank account     BSB: 105:135  Acct No: 6048 9040. For Reference:- Please use either Student ID Number (Check with reception staff) or Students Last Name and First Initial. Please email remittance to paragonswim@gmail.com.   

Family Discounts             

A Family Discount applies when there are three or more students from the same family i.e. Siblings or Step-Siblings or Parent & Children. The discount price is applied to the whole family. If one member discontinues lessons, this reduces the number in the family, therefore changing the family discount. The discounted price is applied to the family member that has discontinued lessons.   

Missed Lessons             

If students are absent from a lesson the centre must be notified prior to the commencement of that lesson. Upon notification a Reference Number will be allocated to the student. This will allow the student to organise a make up lesson. You are required to notify the centre every time the student is absent, unless you have notified in advance multiple dates that the student will be absent. DO NOT ASSUME that once you have notified the centre for one absence that the following week will also be noted as an absence. If we receive no notification you will not receive a make up lesson.  Please Note: Reference Numbers have an expiry date.  There are no credits or refunds for any classes missed.   

Arranging Make Up Lessons           

Make up lessons must be taken during the current term.  If make ups are organised and the student is unable to do the make up lesson prior notification is required. If no notification is received then the lesson will be taken as made up, ie forfeit. Make ups will only be transferred to the following term if the student is fully paid for in the following term. If the student is unable to attend make up lessons then they can be transferred into either a Family Pass (these entitle 2 Adults and 3 Children to use the pool during public swimming sessions) or a Hydrocise Double Pass. Please Note: Once changed into a Family or Hydrocise Pass it cannot be converted into anything else.  Refunds or Credits will not be given for missed lessons, or Passes. Make ups have an expiry date and can not be made up during school holidays.   

Assessment Procedures             

Formal Assessments are held twice per term, usually week 5 and week 8. After week 5 assessments students who have passed will, when possible go up into the next level. After week 8 assessments students who have passed will begin the new level in the following term.   

Safety Issues             

In the interests of safety, parents and children are not permitted to enter the water before the start of their lesson and must exit the water at the end of their lesson. All students must remain with their Parents / Guardians until their lesson begins and not be permitted to sit on the pool edge or pool steps. All internal doors are to be kept clear of all personal items at all times. Access behind the pool cover and the terracotta is not permitted to the public, this is a staff only area.   

Parents and Carers please note: Make sure you stay around the pool area while your child is in lessons, and do not leave them unattended. If you need to leave the centre notify reception staff and child's instructor. If you have not returned by the end of the lesson and the child is left unattended for more than 20 minutes the police will be notified that the child has been abandoned.   

Change Rooms             

People aged 7 years or older are not permitted into the change rooms of the opposite gender. For example a 7 year old boy will not be able to use the Female change rooms. Parents/Carers may use the disabled toilet to change children if required.   

Video / Photographs             

Photographic devices include: cameras, video cameras, mobile phones with cameras, and any other device with the ability of capturing a still or moving image. When using photographic devices, the activities caught in the image should be localised to your family members.   Permission is given for parents/guardians/family to video or photograph their students in lessons. If by accident the image of another student is captured PERMISSION is NOT GIVEN to post image to social media networks and should be deleted immediately.  Permission is NOT given and the centre does not approve of tagging Staff Members of the Paragon Swim Centre via videos or photos on social media networks.   

Management reserves the right to view any images taken. Refusal may result in the Police being called to view these images. Use of photographic devices in the change rooms is extremely forbidden.   

Technology in the Class Environment           

To provide the best possible teaching and learning environment, instructors may use technology within the swimming lesson. The use of iPad's and teaching applications allows students to see immediately where their strengths and weaknesses lie within their swimming technique. By signing this enrolment form it indicates that you agree to your child being filmed for teaching purposes. These images will only be for evaluation and swimming educational purposes only and will not appear on any social media networks.   

Pandemic Clause             

In the event of a Global/Local Pandemic where State or Federal Government forces the closure of the swim centre (for example Covid-19) or any closure outside of the centre's control the swim centre will transfer any remaining lessons over to a following term as credits (or makeups if preferred). These will not be refunded they will be deducted from a following terms fees.  Any make up lessons from the current term will be honoured when the centre is allowed to reopen. Management will attempt to notify all families via Facebook post, App notification and information will be posted on the website.  

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